Trying to sliiiiiiide into my inbox, huh?
We’d love to hear from you, and a member of the Writing Revolt team will do their best to get back to you within two business days. Scroll for more info!
(PSSSST! If you’re a reader with a question, the best way to hear back from Jorden personally is to comment on her most recent blog post or on the latest YouTube video right here. Just sayin’.)

Read this first, mkay?
• If you have a general freelance writing / copywriting question, please check out our blog or YouTube channel!
• If you’re looking for more support, you can join one of our courses and get exclusive access to the students-only Facebook community!
• If you’re looking to pitch a guest post idea, we’re not currently accepting guest posts… unless you REALLY have an amazing topic we can’t turn down.

Note: If you spam our team, send a pitch that doesn’t follow the guest post guidelines, or email us anything unkind or low-effort, I’ll send my pack of angry Chihuahuas to your house to chew on your ankles while you sleep… and delete your email.

In all seriousness… we love hearing from you!
You can email and a member of the Writing Revolt team will aim to answer your email within two business days.
Keep in mind we do not reply to spammy, unpersonalized emails, and due to the volume of emails received, we don’t provide one-on-one coaching via email. The only way to work with us is via our Writing Revolt courses.
Please note that we are a very small (but mighty!) team, so it may take a little longer to hear from us on occasion. We do not check email on weekends, and we take most holidays off.
We appreciate your patience and understanding!
xx Jorden
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